IWorld | Turtle Island Statistics

SNTC News and Views from the Native World Turtle Island Statistics

 Turtle Island


Name: Turtle Island is the Native name for North America derived from the Creation story of the Turtle Island continent initially being carried on the back of a turtle.

Location: Turtle Island bordering both the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, stretches from the North Pole to Abya Yala also known as South America *.

Turtle Island Map:


Turtle Island Flag:

Turtle Island Insignia:

Present Population: Present population consists of Natives and nonNatives. The general name for Natives is Niiji.

Present Languages: Native and nonNative languages are spoken in Turtle Island. The Native languages are such as Inuktitut in the Arctic, Algonquin and Iroquoian languages in the East Coast and Subarctic, Lakota in the prairies, Athapascan languages in the West Coast and Southwest and Aztecan and Mayan languages in the South. The nonNative languages are from a wide range of European, Asian and African languages with French, English and Spanish as the predominant ones.


Current Government System: Consists of Native and nonNative government systems. The Native government system is based on the Clan System. The nonNative government system is based on the parliamentary system.

  Prepared by  SNTC News and Views from the Native Network.  2000-2007 statistics   

further readings: Using the Name Niiji to Address the Aboriginal People of Turtle Island - Posted   March 29,2007


Abya Yala means "Continent of Life" in the language of the Kuna peoples of Panama and Colombia. The Aymara leader Takir Mamani suggested the selection of this name (which the Kuna use to denominate the American continents in their entirety), and proposed that all Indigenous peoples in the Americas utilize it in their documents and oral declarations. "Placing foreign names on our cities, towns and continents," he argued, "is equal to subjecting our identity to the will of our invaders and to that of their heirs." The proposal of Takir Mamani has found a favorable reception in various sectors. Since its inception, providing information on Indigenous peoples in Mexico, Central, and South America as been an important part of NativeWeb's mission. This section is largely dedicated to providing original content on this part of the world. Ref: abyayala.nativeweb.org

